Jon Boden
Lansiodd John Boden, sy’n fwyaf adnabyddus fel cantor arweiniol y grŵp gwerin Bellowhead, ei yrfa unigol yn 2016. Gan gyflwyno caneuon o’i waith ei hun o’r albymau Painted Lady a Songs From The Floodplain a’r albwm diweddaraf Afterglow (Hydref ’17, Hudson Records), deunydd gan Bellowhead, Spiers & Boden a’i brosiect A Folk Song A Day, mae ei sioeau unigol wedi cael derbyniad brwd a chlod mawr gan y beirniaid ac wedi creu pennod arall eto yn ei hanes fel un o’r enwau blaenaf yng ngherddoriaeth werin Lloegr.
one of the most venerated of the younger Brit folk generation
The Guardian
Alone, Boden still has the energy of a twelve piece band
EDS Magazine

Boden plays a vast variety of instruments as we veer from mysterious love songs to dark, poetic tales, amid hints of soul, electronic and thrilling guitar thrash